Manger Photography Blog

The Look | Special Occasions Photography | Chester County Photographer

Have you ever wondered why in movies and TV that professional photographers say “work with me” or give instructions on how to look with your eyes, where to have your hands, pucker your lips, etc.  I never understood why that was the best way to capture beauty.

It has to come naturally.  You don’t want it to look forced or fake. 

 The best place for me to be, especially when I’m taking pictures of children, is on their level.  I am usually sitting on the floor or crouching on the grass.

This particular day was no different.  On a chilly Easter Sunday, I was taking photos of the family Easter Egg Hunt. I didn’t get in the way as all the cousins ran around the backyard, collecting treats that were encased in colorful plastic eggs.

One of the nice things about digital cameras these days is that you can take multiple shots in a short amount of time to get “the” photo. My niece bent down to pick up an egg she spotted and happened to look up the moment I was taking a photo of her. I didn’t have to tell her anything.  She just did it.  It was a natural move for her and, wow, what a beautiful result. 

You can’t force anything when it comes to kids and photography. I’m glad I have the patience to sit and wait for what comes naturally.

Taking pictures of children is such a joy and if you have a special occasion you’d like Manger Photography to be a part of, contact us! We serve all of Chester County, including the towns of Downingtown, Malvern, Kennett Square, and more. Ask about our family portraitssenior photos, and corporate headshot sessions!

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Phone: (678) 325-4007

 Office Hours:

Monday – Friday OPEN 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday and Sunday CLOSED